Shasta Dam is located about 9 miles NW of Redding, California, on the Sacramento River. Built between 1938 and 1945, the dam is a 602-foot-high concrete gravity dam, which provides flood control, power, and water supply benefits. The reservoir is also used extensively for recreation.
Shasta Dam and Shasta Reservoir are key facilities in the Central Valley Project. Shasta Reservoir is fed by the Sacramento, Pit, and McCloud rivers, with additional water coming from Squaw Creek. This drainage area receives an average of 62 inches of annual precipitation, which in pre-dam years was a major contributor to frequent floods in the valley below. Water released to the river is sent through the Shasta Powerplant, which produces hydroelectric power for the 15-state western power grid.
Lake Shasta has populations of invasive New Zealand Mud Snails. The Shasta-Trinity National Forest has quagga/zebra mussel alerts for Shasta Lakes because of the proximity of these species in other California lakes.
Local governments have the authority to regulate and determine their own municipal affairs. Cities and counties exercise a broad affair of powers unless specifically prohibited or preempted by the State legislature.
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City of Shasta Lake
Local entities may acquire property for use as an airport. (Cal. Gov. Code § 50470). Unlawful to operate airport without appropriate airport permit issued by California Department of Transportation. (Cal. Pub. Util. Code § 21663)
City Zoning Code contains provisions relating to airports and landing areas, but no ordinances directly addressing airports. The City does not own or operate any airports.
Shasta County Public Works
Chapter 13.04 County Airports. Section 13.04.320 addresses pollution, but only with respect to hazardous materials and aerial spraying.
Expand pollution provisions to require compliance with all federal, state, and local environmental laws including AIS.
City of Shasta Lake
California Department of Transportation regulations exempt seaplane landing sites from airport permitting requirements. (CA ADC 3533(b)(2)). Preserves local jurisdiction.
No reference to seaplanes in City code.
Add provision to local code governing seaplane landing procedures.
Shasta County Public Works
Chapter 13.04 (County Airports) Seaplanes are not referenced in the County’s definition of “aircraft” in County Code of Ordinances Sec. 13.04.040. But, the definition is inclusive and starts broadly so may fall within.
Add provision to county code governing seaplane landing procedures.
City of Shasta Lake Parks and Recreation
Shasta County Sheriff's Office
Section 12.24.140 addresses prohibited anchorage/moorage. Focus, however, is on location (prohibition in heavily travelled chanel or to face of dam).
Add/expand provision to require BMPs for reducing hull fouling during moorage.
Hull/Surface Fouling
Unlawful to possess, import, ship, or transport in the state, or place, plant, or cause to be placed or planted in any water within the state, dreissenid mussels. (Cal. Fish & Game Code § 2301).
Chapter 12.04 - Park and Recreational Area Use Regulations.
Add provisions to Chapter 12.04 to address boating.
City of Shasta Lake Parks and Recreation
Shasta County Sheriff's Office
County Code of Ordinances 12.24.130 states that "No person shall dump human waste, bottles, cans, motor oil, garbage, trash or other debris from a vessel into the waters of the county."
Add provision to Chapter 12.24 to require inspections, bait buckets to be empty, drain plugs pulled, and free of visible plants and AIS.
Local agency or authority that manages a reservoir where recreational, boating, or fishing activities are permitted is required to develop a program to prevent the introductIon of dreIssenid mussels (Cal.Fish & G.Code § 2302)
Chapter 12.04 - Park and Recreational Area Use Regulations.
Add provision to Chapter 12.04 to require inspections, bait buckets to be empty, drain plugs pulled, and free of visible plants and AIS.
City of Shasta Lake Parks and Recreation
Shasta County Sheriff's Office
County Code of Ordinances 12.24.170 designates areas where fishing is prohiited.
Add provision to Chapter 12.24 to address AIS from angling, including bait restrictions, decontamination of gear, etc.
State sporting fishing license is required.
Chapter 12.04 - Park and Recreational Area Use Regulations.
Add provisions to Chapter 12.04 to address fishing.
City of Shasta Lake Parks and Recreation
Shasta County Sheriff's Office
County Code of Ordinances 12.24.130 states that "No person shall dump human waste, bottles, cans, motor oil, garbage, trash or other debris from a vessel into the waters of the county."
Expand waste disposal provision to include fish, or add new provision for fish/AIS releases
Fish Escapes/Releases
Unlawful to place, plant, or cause to be placed or planted, in any CA waters, any live fish, any fresh or salt water animal, or any aquatic plant, whether taken without or within the State, without first submitting it for inspection to, and securing the written permission of, the DFG. (Cal. Fish & Game Code § 6400).
Chapter 12.04 - Park and Recreational Area Use Regulations.
Add provisions to Chapter 12.04 to prohibit the release of fish and other AIS within parks or waters within city limits.
Cars, Buses, Trucks, ATVs, Recreational Boat Trailers
City of Shasta Lake Public Works
Unlawful to possess, import, ship, or transport dreissenid mussels in the state. (Cal. Fish & Game Code § 2301).
Title 10 - Vehicles and Traffic. Current provisions cover generally speed limits, rules of the road, parking, etc.
Add chapter or section to Title 10 addressing AIS risks from vehicles.
Shasta County Public Works
County Code of Ordinances Title 10 - Vehicles and Traffic. Three chapters focused on parking regulations, abandoned vehicles, and vehicle congestion management, which is related to air pollution.
Add chapter or section to Title 10 addressing AIS risks from vehicles.
Sale and transport of aquatic plants and animals governed by CDFW regulations (14 CCR § 238).
City of Shasta Lake Development Services
Shasta County Board of Supervisors
County Code of Ordinances Title 5 - Business Taxes, Licenses, and Regulations
Add provision to Title 5 or Title 12 address live bait sales.
In Shasta Lake only golden shiner, red shiner, fathead minnows, mosquitofish and threadfin shad may be used or possessed for use as bait. (Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, § 4.30(b)).
Business Licenses and Regulations (Title 5). It is unlawful for any person to be engaged in business in the city of Shasta Lake without having an unrevoked license from the city of Shasta Lake to do so.
Add Chapter to Title 5 or Title 12 address live bait sales.
City of Shasta Lake Development Services
Department of Fish and Game regulation limiting what species can be sold in aquarium/pet stores. Requiring dealer's permit for some species. Prohibiting release into waters. (14 CCR § 227).
Business Licenses and Regulations (Title 5). It is unlawful for any person to be engaged in business in the city of Shasta Lake without having an unrevoked license from the city of Shasta Lake to do so.
Add Chapter to Title 5 that incorporates and reinforces state law. Provisions might include state list of restricted species and requirement to show proof of dealer license.
Shasta County Board of Supervisors
County Code of Ordinances Title 5 - Business Taxes, Licenses, and Regulations
Add Chapter to Title 5 that incorporates and reinforces state law. Provisions might include state list of restricted species and requirement to show proof of dealer license.
City of Shasta Lake Development Services
Shasta County Board of Supervisors
County Code of Ordinances Chapter 18.10 - Stormwater quality management and discharge control. Section 18.10.090 states that it is unlawful to discharge a pollutant into county storm water system or receiving waters. AIS are included within CWA's definition of pollutant, which this title is implementing.
Add provision to County Code addressing discharges from aquaculture facilities that is consistent with state law.
All aquaculture facilities must be registered with CDFW. (14 CCR Chapter 9.) No permit may be issued for triploid grass carp introductions in 100 year floodplain as defined by FEMA or local agency responsible for flood control, with some exceptions (14 CCR § 238.6(c)(2)).
Title 5 - Business license requirement. Chapter 13.36 Stormwater Management. Prohibits discharges into the city's stormwater system that results in violations of their permits.
Add provision to City Code addressing discharges from aquaculture facilities that is consistent with state law.