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Numerous federal, state, tribal and academic institutions are actively monitoring for zebra and quagga mussels (i.e., invasive mussels) and other nonnative species in a variety of ways. The information and maps contained within this site are intended to provide an up to date synopsis of who is monitoring for what species, where, how and when. This information can help managers and researchers to determine if the current level of monitoring is sufficient, or whether efforts should be redirected to better fulfill various needs. 



Quagga and Zebra Mussel Monitoring in the Pacific Northwest States and Canadian Provinces:
2017 - 2021 Monitoring Data




2022 Monitoring Data
(2023 data is incomplete and still in draft form)
Columbia River Basin Monitoring Forum

Dreissenid Mussel Monitoring Forum Workshop, Portland Oregon (June 5-6, 2018)

Sampling Considerations for Columbia River Basin Storage Reservoirs (2019)

Quagga/Zebra Mussel Sampling Methods Used by Western Organizations

Dreissenid Mussel Sampling and Monitoring Protocol (Western Regional Panel, September 2020)

Procedures for conducting underwater searches for invasive mussels (Dreissena sp.) (US Dept Interior, US Geological Survey 2010)


Dreissenid Mussel Laboratories

Laboratory Standards for Dreissena Veliger Analysis (Western Regional Panel, September 2020)

2024 Update: Spreadsheet of laboratories in the United States and Canada that process dreissenid samples

NEW: Searchable table of Laboratories in the US and Canada that process dreissenid samples

A Comprehensive Report on the Workshops "Dreissena Early Detection Best Practices" and "Dreissena Early Detection Laboratory Standards"


Quagga/Zebra Mussel Field and Laboratory Protocols


Amistad National Recreation Area


British Columbia

Bureau of Reclamation




Glen Canyon National Recreation Area






Research Associated with Zebra/Quagga Mussel Sampling


FireShot Capture 416 - Zebra and Quagga
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